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Press Releases

Industry Power: Connecting Chemistry & Truth

September 27, 2023

Detroit, MI, JULY 7, 2022- Pangea, a leading global supplier of automotive leather, announced an even stronger partnership with the American Leather Chemists Association, urging members to think differently. “This is a group that truly drives our industry to higher standards, silently embracing and defining the sustainability of materials.”

As keynote speaker of the116th Annual Convention, Randy Johnson, President & CEO ofPangea, saw a new side of chemistry. He spoke about how many leaders in attendance published papers furthering processes and chemicals in the industry – pushingthe boundaries of scientific success and sustainability every year.

We live in a world where leather is now highly misunderstood, and synthetics are believed to be more natural than creating a waste stream from the beef industry. Part of Pangea’s mission is to spread truth and efficacy about the sustainability of the leather. Randy challenged his peers to share their work beyond chemists and manufacturers with social outreach.

His speech was very well received, touting a new era of their partnership. Pangea has been an avidsupporter of the ALCA for over 20 years. “It would be great to see like associations form across the globe.” Said Randy. Key takeaways included:

  • There are efforts in the market to drive truth in leather and technical professionals are a perfect fit to redefine the narrative of our product and help drive up demand.
  • When Toyota invited the US manufacturers to learn about the Toyota Production System, they improved the state of the automotive supply chain.  Suppliers (to the leather manufacturing process) can do the same by encouraging innovation and driving a stronger product in leather versus synthetics.
  • The highly regarded concept of lean manufacturing is directly connected with the goals of sustainability and the entire automotive industry.
  • According to consumer reports, leather is seen as one of the most luxurious, durable, and cleanable surface materials, making it perfect for the latest auto trends such as electric and autonomous vehicles.